Dear Readers,
I was wondering if I could justify the purchase of an ipad for my business and browsing through articles, I came up with the information that apple and ACTFL developed a Spanish course called Hell0-Hello, which is an app, which features Hello-Hello’s complete Spanish course developed includes 30 conversational lessons and hundreds of flashcards with words and sentences to practice vocabulary. It follows ACTFL’s research-based approach to teaching languages; all lessons are based on realistic situations, rather than a collection of out-of-context words and phrases. Users do not need to be connected to Wi-Fi or 3G networks to run the app.
The app is available in the iTunes Store for an introductory price of $4.99.
I also found out that it will allow you to record and use it as a sound lab, allowing you to listen to your pronunciation and keep track of your progress. The person interested in learning more about foreign languages can also read newspapers, magazines and books on the go with the 3G version in a much more comfortable screen than the phone version.
I tried the ipad at an apple store and I must confess that I loved it! Whether you use an ipad or not, use the Internet and technology available as an amazing resource to help you accomplish your goals. There are many free sites for example, Spanish. I will touch this subject on my next post.
Claudia Krusch